
Incredible location
24/24 Studio time
Studio accommodation facilities
Tofo Beach accomodation
Play concerts
Balance studio time with outdoor activities
Get local artists on board
What Artists say...
"Our plan was to get out of Maputo and find a place where we could be together for one week without any distraction from the job, the city, the family. Our EP was only 5 songs, so one week was perfect. Roland stayed with us every day all day long, we did all the tracking in those five days, plus had some great jamming sessions leading to ideas for our next EP !"
Pedro Ferreira, Zaranza, Maputo
" We come all the way from Cape Town, by car... We did that twice already, to stay at Studio Bom Dia for 2 to 3 weeks and record a complete new album with Roland. You know, every week-end we play concerts in Tofo, and then we can pay the studio services more easily, it helps... Plus accomodation in Bom Dia Studio is quite something raw and unique."
Jimi Curve, Black South Easter, Cape Town
"We didn't just go to Studio Bom Dia to record an album, we went there to live the most beautiful life so that our music could flow freely without feeling anything like work. Warm, wooden, analog and led by a world-class musical engineer, Bom Dia is the ideal recording space for the musician or ensemble that values truth over bling, culture over product, organics over mechanics.
Joel Karabo Elliott, Roots Grown Deep, North Carolina, US
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